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Parking and Traffic Procedures

Parking Lot and Traffic

Parking Lot Procedures – THINK SAFETY!!!

This year, we are trying to affect a change on our traffic problem. In order to do this, we are implementing our Bagby Walk and Roll program. It is our desire that most students Walk or Roll (bike, scooter, or skateboard) to school. As part of this program, we have established a carpool lane in front of our school near the cafeteria. 

All traffic circles work in a queue fashion at drop-off and pick-up and because of this there is no parking in the loops when school is in session (7:30 – 3:30). When entering the circle, pull forward to the star before dropping students, to allow the queue to keep moving. If there are other cars in front of your car, pull forward as far as you can without blocking driveways or other cars. If your child needs help getting out of the car, either utilize the white loading zone on the street in front of the school, one of the 20-minute parking spots, or find a place to park on the street. There are two crossing guards at the light, so you may also park on the west side of Leigh, and walk.

General Traffic Rules

  • Do not leave your car for any reason. If you need to assist your child, park safely in the neighborhood.
  • Pull up into the queue without blocking driveways or other cars.
  • Do not use the pass lane to jump the queue.
  • Do not drop- off or pick-up students from the pass lane, use the yellow curbside for drop-off and pick up.
  • The queue is a “grab and go” zone. Students should grab their backpacks and exit the vehicle safely.
  • No Cell Phones in the school driveway.
  • Pay attention to students, and the duty staff.
  • Drive carefully and slowly and follow directions.

Other information

Do not remain in the driveway for extended periods of time. On Wednesdays, if you have a student in intermediate grades and a student in the primary grades, wait until primary is dismissed before entering the driveway. Teachers are on duty and will watch students during this time. You may be asked to leave the circle if you are there waiting for a primary student when the intermediate students are still being dismissed. Allow your intermediate student to wait for their primary siblings.

Follow the directions of the personnel on duty. Cambrian School District Policy (1310 II (B)(G)) describes “the failure to comply with directions of a school official or his/her designee while acting in the performance of their duty ” and the “obstruction of either pedestrian or vehicular traffic on Cambrian School District owned or controlled property ” as “cause for prompt and diligent corrective action on the part of the appropriate officials, including disciplinary proceeding and the bringing of criminal charges where appropriate .” We work closely with the San Jose Police Department to ticket drivers failing to follow signage and marked curbs.

Bicycle, Scooter & Skateboard Rules

Students who ride bicycles, scooters & skateboards to school should know and obey all traffic rules to and from school. By state law all children under the age of 18 must wear helmets when riding bicycles, scooters & skateboards on a public street. Students must disembark and walk all bicycles, scooters, and/or skateboards on school grounds. Students who choose to ignore rules about safety will not be allowed to bring bicycles, scooters or skateboards on campus. Students arriving without a helmet will need to call a parent for transportation home, or a helmet before leaving school. Bicycles must be locked and parked in the bicycle rack. The school is not responsible for any damage to or loss of bicycles, scooters.